February 6th, 2019 - Brand

Finding Freedom

Earlier today, my friend Kate posted to Facebook about how she spent the early years of her kids’ lives searching for flexibility in the corporate world. Looking for a ‘flexible’ job that would allow her to be there for her family when needed. 

“I don’t think any parent should ever have to run it by anyone else that they’re going to attend their kids — (insert literally any activity from first time rolling over to watching movies, to school recital).”

– Kate Wright

From job change to job change, Kate learned the hard way that what she really craved was freedom, not flexibility. Freedom to do her own thing. Freedom to create a life she loved. 

Freedom. So many crave it. So few go after it. And lately, I’ve been wondering why. 

I think I always knew I wanted to work for myself. Be my own boss. Make my own hours. 

Now that desire may have been reinforced by the long days and late nights forced on me during my days in politics – polishing a budget speech at 3 am or taking the Finance Minister’s call as I toasted our engagement with friends on a Friday evening. These are not the things my dreams were made of. 

That life was a great training ground, a skills and smarts builder, but it was easily left behind as my husband and I built a family and our businesses. And yesterday, as I drove my gorgeous girl to her last semester of high school – teasing her that she’s completed 23/24ths of her school career – I sat in my gratitude … gratitude for having thousands of conversations over thousands of morning drives over the past 12 years. 

So I preach FREEDOM. 

I hear from people at all ages and stages that they are sick of the corporate noose around their necks. Lives ruled by babysitter and daycare hours, gruelling commutes and weekends spent with laundry, groceries and a blessed bottle of wine on a Saturday night. And each time, I preach the benefits of this road less travelled.

Yet few seriously consider it. And I’m left scratching my head. 

If you are itching for freedom but feel it can’t be done … you’re wrong.

The secret lies in doing something that you absolutely love, something that lights you up and has you jumping out of bed in the morning ready to take on the world. 

Because honey, let’s face it, you can’t build a successful business and, more importantly, a successful life if you aren’t doing something that you truly love to do. 

If you aren’t entirely in love with what you are creating, you won’t be ready for the rollercoaster of entrepreneurship or the boring administrative tasks that come with the job and you certainly won’t exude the energy and enthusiasm that attracts premium clients and delivers a memorable experience. 

These are the things that distinguish a mere business from mighty brand.The things that create the freedom you crave.

Are you ready for FREEDOM? Head over to the website to download a free brand planner or book a strategy session with me. Freedom starts here. 

I’ll be talking more about the secrets to building a business and a brand over the coming weeks on Facebook. Join me LIVE Fridays at 1 pm Mountain / 3 pm Eastern or look for the replay. 

With gratitude,

Shannon Larkins

Shannon Larkins

Founder, Blackcoffee Studio

Over the course of 15+ years, Shannon has grown Blackcoffee Studio out of a love for building brands and reputations. She serves up Blackcoffee as a morning ritual while caffeinating clients and readers on the regular. You can find her at www.BlackcoffeeStudio.com


Blackcoffee Studio

Blackcoffee is a premium brand development agency, offering luxury brand experience to clients at home in Calgary, Canada and around the globe. Brands create experience, set you apart from the competition and drive growth. Anyone can bulid a business but only the exceptional can create a brand. Are you ready?

Shannon Larkins

Shannon Larkins

Hi I’m Shannon, founder of Blackcoffee Studio. A former reporter, spin doctor and politico, I now focus on using my powers for good.

I create mighty brands for clients and share their stories with the world. I’m also rather addicted to my nutty family, dogs with pushed in faces, Mexico and of course coffee … black.