September 6th, 2018 - Brand

Guiding Transformation – The Brand Oracle

Unlock your brand’s potential with the perfect blend of research and intuition.

noun  or·a·cle   \  ˈȯr-ə-kəl ,  ˈär- \
a : a person giving wise or authoritative decisions or opinions
b : an authoritative or wise expression or answer

When you sign up for Blackcoffee’s Brand Oracle, you’re signing up for an authoratative and wise view of your brand presence. 

Blackcoffee founder Shannon Larkins will read your brand as it exists now using rational thought, research, creativity and intuition learned through years of experience working with the highest levels of corporate, government and private brands just like yours. Shannon has spent the time researching, attending countless focus groups and absorbing endless polls so you don’t have to.

The Brand Oracle is your chance to receive invaluable wisdom that will help you shape your brand’s future. I’ll include some of my secrets on brand attraction that will work for your specific business and brand needs.

I designed The Brand Oracle to help all levels of business owners — whether you’re new to the scene or an established business — to transform into the luxury brands coveted by premium clients. You won’t be competing with low rate rivals after you’ve learned some of my secrets. You’ll be a leader in your field ready to attract those elusive, high-paying, fill your bank account customers. 

This reading is the clarity your brand needs now to reach the right audience, increase your rates and your bottom line. 

The journey to become a luxury brand starts here. You know you’re worth it!

Learn More


With gratitude,

Shannon Larkins

Shannon Larkins

Founder, Blackcoffee Studio

Over the course of 15+ years, Shannon has grown Blackcoffee Studio out of a love for building brands and reputations. She serves up Blackcoffee as a morning ritual while caffeinating clients and readers on the regular. You can find her at


Blackcoffee Studio

Blackcoffee is a premium brand development agency, offering luxury brand experience to clients at home in Calgary, Canada and around the globe. Brands create experience, set you apart from the competition and drive growth. Anyone can bulid a business but only the exceptional can create a brand. Are you ready?

Shannon Larkins

Shannon Larkins

Hi I’m Shannon, founder of Blackcoffee Studio. A former reporter, spin doctor and politico, I now focus on using my powers for good.

I create mighty brands for clients and share their stories with the world. I’m also rather addicted to my nutty family, dogs with pushed in faces, Mexico and of course coffee … black.